If you are a government entity, or if obligated in any other scenario to run the project through a public procurement procedure, with published specifications and all the documentation that procurement asks for you will need a good technical specification in order to be sure that products that will be offered are done right.
The worst thing happening is to lose the assigned budget for the procurement that year due to an unprofessional draft of the technical specification. To prevent that, make sure the specs are up to date, accurate and that they are calling for a product that can actually be made. If you don’t have engineer personnel that can do it properly, we have the solution. Regardless of who will win the tender at the end, feel free to talk with us about engineering the specifications. That step is crucial to funnel the quality figures and set the boundaries and rules to which the product has to be made. Often the specs have many contrary demands that rule out each other. So to ensure that you attract serious bidders and that there will not be 100+ questions to clarify the specs, this has to be done right.
In close cooperation with Croatian and European accredited independent laboratories, we are able to create you the product “Bible” - pretest the materials, trims, and accessories of an existing product; set up values for a new product based on our experience; provide test reports and in-field test results; mock-up a sample or do the full sampling process, it is up to you to decide which element from the whole “package” you will use.
It is a product like any other, except that you are not paying for a pack or a vest, instead, you are buying project documentation; with or without a sample. This is your property, you can choose to use it, however, wherever and whenever you want. Until you need an update or a new one. Then we can talk again.