One thing that separates us from the other development companies is the possibility to design, develop and produce new camouflage patterns
In close collaboration with the Faculty of Textile Technology in Zagreb, we successfully developed more than a few camo patterns. Starting in 2002 we developed our first one, the Croatian digital desert camo pattern. Like no other on the market till that day it incorporated a map of the country into the pattern. This was the first one in the series of three pixelated designs - the other two patterns are used in woodland and naval scenarios. Each pattern carries the initials OSRH which stands for ‘’Oružane snage Republike Hrvatske (Armed Forces of the Republic of Croatia)’’.
All of them are still in use today. After creating the first one, which was a great morale boost for our troops participating in international peacekeeping missions in Afghanistan and other regions, we also developed a new Montenegrin Army camouflage, Peruvian Marine Corps camo, Kosovo security force (Army) camo, Albanian Army camo, and a few others.
Constantly working with color experts to improve remission of colors in the environment and to enhance camouflage properties of camouflage shapes, shades, and overall design. Creating a custom camouflage is a complex procedure that requires time for research, field investigating, many trials, and a whole lot of textile printing, but the final outcome makes it all worthwhile.
Just ask any of our soldiers that always have his country close to his heart, on his uniform.